SSL Certificates
Hosting Blitz provides SSL Certificates in all plans with a Lock Icon and HTTPS recognized by all web-browsers so your visitors will trust your website.
Daily Backups
Backups are Automated Daily and is a feature included with all plans. This ensures that in case of major error there are copies of past versions to begin recovery of lost files and build anew.
Malware Protection
Premium Antivirus and Malware Detection are constantly monitoring your website in 5 ways so your website is always in a safe environment.
DDOS Protection
DDoS Mitigation with additional Firewall is enabled. DDoS Protection such as CloudFlare is not required so you wont have to worry about attacks.
Fast Loading
Hosting Blitz provides RAID 10 SSD hard drives, 2Gbps ports, Unlimited Bandwidth, and Multicore CPUs to make sure your website loads even in high traffic.
99.99% Uptime
Our highly efficient server monitors make sure that there is no downtime. In case, we provide a quick live resolution.
Website Security
Hosting Blitz Servers are 100% secured with Cloudlinux CageFS, CSF, and other powerful tools.